Something happened to me this weekend...
Old friends, good fun, my wife rocks!
My wife surprised me for my birthday and planned a trip to
Our adventure took us from a rude restaraunt on the riverwalk to the Tower of the Americas, where I almost lost my lunch. (somewhere in b/t, we found ourselves watching a looney tunes movie-i kind of liked it, but don't tell the boys ) As the trip matured, we actually did the exact opposite. Our cordiallity, manners, and inhibitions seem to check themselves at the door-only to be replace by sarcasm, humor, and lots of illegal drugs. Just kidding, I just wanted to see if anyone was reading this. We became comfortable with one another and really began to share what was on our hearts, though it was cleverly disguised by wise-cracks and enough sarcasm to put David Spade (or Dr. Phil, depending on how you take him) to shame. Something happened to me this the place I least expected. I began to realize that I had quite a bit of junk laying on my heart and I needed to deal with it, exactly as I did-make fun of it, joke about it, kick it in the junk, whatever. Anyway, it worked. You see, there was a time when I thought it wrong (if not wrong, definitely weak or inferior) to doubt or grow weary of the task set before me. I was so ashamed that I never really accomplished anything in my ministry and the church was never there to lend hand. I don't blame the church, how could I expect anything different from a group who was inwardly having all of the same struggles? I think that the second greatest decision I've ever made in my life was to just deal with things...though I may not be good at it, I try, and for now that's where I'll be...
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